작년 Slate Digital 에서 모든 플러그인을 Subscription (구독)의 형태로 서비스를 시작해서 이슈가 됐었는데요
Flux 에서도 Subscription 서비스를 시작했습니다.
플러그인 하나에 200~300불 또는 그 이상을 지불하며 구입한다는게 부담스러운게 사실인데 구독형 서비스로 짧게는 한달, 또는 일년 단위로 대여하듯 사용하면 금전적인 부분도 부담이 덜할테고 마음에 들지 않거나 사용량이 적을땐 구독을 해지하여 더이상의 지출을 막을 수도 있습니다.
꾸준히 사용하는 플러그인이라면 당연히 구입을 하는게 더 이득이겠지만 모든 플러그인을 번들로 구입한다는 건 상당히 부담스럽습니다.
이 구독 서비스를 효율적으로 사용한다면 고가의 플러그인 소프트웨어를 부담없이 자신의 작품 또는 믹스, 마스터링에 투자할 만한 가치가 있겠네요.
구독형 서비스도 여러 옵션이 있는데요 하나씩 살펴보겠습니다.
Dynamic Processing 101
Elemental Pack provides a comprehensive toolbox with the elemental components required to take full control over the dynamic processing when recording, mixing or mastering.
Plug-ins Included:
AU, VST, AAX Native & DSP and AAX AudioSuite in 32 & 64 bit on Windows & Mac OS X.
For full details on compatibility, see product pages of the plug-ins included.
Subscriptions Plans
- Yearly Subscription - Now Only $79,99 (
Introduction price (breaks down to $6,67/Month). - Monthly Subscription - $9,99
The monthly plan give you full freedom to pay only when you need the plug-ins, you can pause (and resume) as you want.
Already a Flux:: Customer?
If you already own at least one full license of Flux::, Ircam Tools by Flux:: or Jünger by Flux:: you are eligible for our special loyalty price on the Yearly subscription plans, AND up to six months of FREE subscription to one of the subscription plans.
If you already own a full license of Elemental Pack, or all of the plug-ins included in it, you are eligible for six months of FREE subscription for a second license, or for a number of months to any of the other subscription plans.
- FREE Subscription - 1 to 6 months for FREE
The offer is only valid one time per unique iLok user account with eligible licenses on (number of months based on which plug-ins you own). - Yearly Subscription - Now Only $59,99 (
Customer special loyalty price (breaks down to $5/Month).
To benefit from the Yearly special loyalty price, signup for your FREE subscription period first by subscribing to the Monthly plan, and then you can, at any time, upgrade to the Yearly plan for only $59,99.
Elemental Pack 은 3개의 다이나믹 플러그인으로 구성되어있습니다.
종합 플러그인 할인 사이트인 Don't Crack 에서는 199불에 판매 하고 있습니다.
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Dynamics ProcessorsElemental Pack a comprehensive toolbox with the elemental components needed to take control over the dynamic processing when recording, mixing or mastering.Pure Compressor V3Pure Compressor produces a wide range of compressions from ultra clean subtle compressions to classic heavy pumping ones. It's up to your artistic choices not to the technology limitations.Pure Expander V3Pure Expander produces a wide range of expansion process from subtle expansions to hard noise-gate.? Using Flux:: proprietary Angel's Share and Hysteresis algorithms Pure Expander allows you to remove unwanted noises or reverberation without adding a processed character to your sound.Pure Limiter V3Pure Limiter is using exquisite proprietary Flux:: algorithms generating a release-envelope producing no artifacts on the processed sound achieving a transparent limiting. A dramatic increase of the average audio level is easily achieved without damaging the perceived audio quality of the material. |
한달에 9.99불 일년에 79.99불로 구독 할 수 있으며 이미 Flux 의 라이센스를 등록하신 분들께는 라이센스 수에 따라 1~6개월을 무료로 구독할 수 있게 해주고 일년 구독료도 할인이 됩니다.
월간 구독은 필요할때 사용하고 원치 않을땐 일시 정지할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다.
다음은 Recording Pack 입니다.
The Bread and Butter in Mix And Recording
A well defined toolbox with a selection of Flux:: dynamic processing plug-ins and eq. providing a versatile and comprehensive set of precision tools for your everyday recording and mixing session work giving you the best processor for each task within the range of dynamics and equalization processing.
Plug-ins Included:
AU, VST, AAX Native & DSP and AAX AudioSuite in 32 & 64 bit on Windows & Mac OS X.
For full details on compatibility, see product pages of the plug-ins included.
Subscriptions Plans
- Yearly Subscription - Now Only $129,99 (
Introduction price (breaks down to $10,83/Month). - Monthly Subscription - $14,99
The monthly plan give you full freedom to pay only when you need the plug-ins, you can pause (and resume) as you want.
- FREE Subscription - 1 to 6 months for FREE
The offer is only valid one time per unique iLok user account with eligible licenses on (number of months based on which plug-ins you own). - Yearly Subscription - Now Only $99,99 (
Customer special loyalty price (breaks down to $8,33/Month).
To benefit from the Yearly special loyalty price, signup for your FREE subscription period first by subscribing to the Monthly plan, and then you can, at any time, upgrade to the Yearly plan for only $99,99.
Elemental Pack 3개의 다이나믹 플러그인을 포함하며 다른 두개의 다이나믹 플러그인, 하나의 EQ가 추가됩니다.
월간 구독은 14.99불 년간 구독은 129.99불입니다.
Don't Crack 에서는 479불에 판매 하고 있습니다.
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Recording and Mixing PackThis complete range of plug-ins provides the best tools around for processing audio with up to 8 channels and up to 384 KHz with 64 bit float processingRecording Pack provides a versatile and comprehensive set of precision tools for your everyday recording and mixing session work giving you the best processor for each task within the range of dynamics and equalization processing. Sold separately these would cost over $1300 (MSRP) |
다음은 Mastering Pack 입니다.
Master Your Mastering
Mastering Pack provides four of our finest processors in the most versatile and proficient mastering toolbox designed for achieving a superior result with maximum transparency.
Plug-ins Included:
AU, VST, AAX Native & DSP and AAX AudioSuite in 32 & 64 bit on Windows & Mac OS X.
For full details on compatibility, see product pages of the plug-ins included.
Subscriptions Plans
- Yearly Subscription - Now Only $149,99 (
Introduction price (breaks down to $12,50/Month). - Monthly Subscription - $16,99
The monthly plan give you full freedom to pay only when you need the plug-ins, you can pause (and resume) as you want.
- FREE Subscription - 1 to 6 months for FREE
The offer is only valid one time per unique iLok user account with eligible licenses on (number of months based on which plug-ins you own). - Yearly Subscription - Now Only $119,99 (
Customer special loyalty price (breaks down to $10/Month).
To benefit from the Yearly special loyalty price, signup for your FREE subscription period first by subscribing to the Monthly plan, and then you can, at any time, upgrade to the Yearly plan for only $119,99.
Pure Limiter v3, Epure v3, 마스터링을 위한 다이나믹 플러그인 "Solera v3"와 멀티 다이나믹 리미터인 "Elixir v3" 의 구성으로 되어있습니다.
월간 구독은 16.99불 년간 구독은 149.99불입니다.
Don't Crack 에서는 559불에 판매 하고 있습니다.
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The best digital tools for mixing and mastering.The Mastering Pack contains : Solera, Epure And Pure LimiterThe Mastering Pack offers the best digital tools for mastering with up to 8 channels and up to 384 KHz with 64 bit float processing. Sold separately these would cost over $1200 (MSRP) |
마지막으로 Full Pack 입니다.
All The Flux:: You Need
Recording, Mixing, Remixing, Mastering - The complete range of Flux:: plug-ins in one big bundle.
Plug-ins Included:
- Alchemist v3
- Solera v3
- Pure Compressor v3
- Pure Expander v3
- Pure DCompressor v3
- Pure DExpander v3
- Pure Limiter v3
- Elixir v3
- Syrah v3
- Epure v3
AU, VST, AAX Native & DSP* and AAX AudioSuite in 32 & 64 bit on Windows & Mac OS X.
For full details on compatibility, see product pages of the plug-ins included.*Alchemist available only in AU, VST, AAX Native and AAX AudioSuite
Subscriptions Plans
- Yearly Subscription - Now Only $269,99 (
Introduction price (breaks down to $22,50/Month). - Monthly Subscription - $29,99
The monthly plan give you full freedom to pay only when you need the plug-ins, you can pause (and resume) as you want.
- FREE Subscription - 1 to 6 months for FREE
The offer is only valid one time per unique iLok user account with eligible licenses on (number of months based on which plug-ins you own). - Yearly Subscription - Now Only $219,99 (
Customer special loyalty price (breaks down to $18,33/Month).
To benefit from the Yearly special loyalty price, signup for your FREE subscription period first by subscribing to the Monthly plan, and then you can, at any time, upgrade to the Yearly plan for only $219,99.
위 소개된 모든 플러그인과 멀티밴드 다이나믹 플러그인 Alchemist v3와 차세대 다이나믹 프로세서인 Syrah v3 로 구성되어 있습니다.
월간 구독은 29.99불 년간 구독은 269.99불입니다.
Don't Crack 에서는 999불에 판매 하고 있습니다.
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All The Flux:: Plug-Ins In A Single PackThis complete range of plug-ins provides the best tools around for processing audio with up to 8 channels and up to 384 KHz with 64 bit float processingSold separately these would cost over $3000 (MSRP) |
Analyzer 플러그인 팩과 Ircam Studio 플러그인은 구독 목록에 없어 좀 아쉬운데요 Flux 의 플러그인들이 고가여서 구입을 망설였던 분이라면
이번 구독형 서비스에 관심을 가져보시는 것도 좋을 것 같습니다.
이미 Slate Digital 사와 EWQL 사에서 구독형 서비스를 시작했고 Flux도 이제 시작했으니 UAD 나 Waves 사 등도 고려하고 있지 않을까 생각해봅니다.
많은 뮤지션들이 좋은 소프트웨어로 더 좋은 음악을 만들 수 있길 바라며 글을 마칩니다.
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